Prüfungsvorbereitung Sprachenatelier

Dutch Nt2 Programma II Course and CNaVT Course

Nt2 Programma II State Exam and CNaVT Certificate - Dutch Test Prep Courses

The Sprachenatelier is specialized in preparing for these two Dutch exams and can meet the needs of beginning Dutch learners (Nt2 Programma II), as well as those of advanced Dutch learners (CNaVT). 

The content of an exam preparation course is based on the official Nt2 exams and CNaVT certificates. All four parts of the exam (writing, speaking, listening and reading) are taught in the way they will be tested during the exam. Through intensive training of all skills and working with practice tests, the participants will become familiar with the exam structure and the strategies necessary for passing the exam. 

Participation in our Nt2 and CNaVT test prep courses not only gives you the opportunity to best prepare yourself for the respective exam, but it will also (systematically) expand your active vocabulary. The course also covers grammatical structures, types of texts and writing conventions that you will need for your studies or professional pursuits in the Netherlands. Over the past few years, 100% of our participants have passed the CNaVT exam and over 92% have passed the Nt2 Programma II exam. 

Nt2 Programma II

For participants without previous knowledge, we have designed a special intensive exam preparation course, in which we work with official (real) examinations. This test prep course for Nt2 Programma II consists of a total of 100 lesson units (45 min. each). You will learn with us in very small groups with a maximum of four participants. Our Nt2 Programma II courses are therefore more intensive in terms of content, you get more individual attention from our teachers and you get the best possible results, faster. 

For participants with previous knowledge, we will gladly structure the course according to your level and wishes, so that you are well prepared for the exam, as well as your studies or professional pursuits. If this is the case, you are welcome to send us your request via the contact form and we will be happy to create an individual offer for you. 

  • Lectures
    Nt2: 100 x 45 min
  • Group size
    Nt2: 2 - 4 students (mini group)
  • Course duration
    Nt2: 3 weeks
  • Days
    Nt2: Mon - Fri
  • Time
    Nt2: 10:00 - 17:30
  • Course levels
    Nt2: from A1


For participants with previous knowledge we have designed a special intensive exam preparation course in which we work with official (real) examinations. The test prep course for CNaVT consists of a total of 15 lesson units (45 min. each). You will learn in very small groups with a maximum of five participants. Therefore, our CNaVT courses are more intensive in terms of content, you get more individual attention from our teachers and you get the best possible results, faster. 

For participants without previous knowledge, we will gladly structure the course according to you level and wishes, so that you are well prepared for the exam as well as your studies or professional pursuits. In this case, you are welcome to send us your request via the contact form, and we will be happy to create an individual offer for you. 

The Sprachenatelier Berlin is an official CNaVT exam testing center. 

  • Lectures
    CNaVT: 15 x 45 min
  • Group size
     CNaVT: 3 - 5 students (mini group)
  • Course duration
    CNaVT: 1 week
  • Days
    CNaVT: Mon+Wed+Fri
  • Time
    CNaVT: 15:30 - 18:00
  • Course levels
    CNaVT: from B1
