Prices Foreign Language Courses

Foreign Language Evening Courses:

12 weeks, 1 lesson (2 lesson units) per week, 18:00 - 19:30 or 19:40 - 21:10 (depending on course offerings)

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    235 / 215 €**

  • Online course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    215 / 195 €**

  • On-site course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    310 / 285 €**

  • Online course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    265 / 245 €**

Foreign Language Intensive Courses:

30 lesson units per week, Mon - Fri, 13:00 - 18:00    
*Recognized by the Berlin Senate Administration

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 10 students):
    2 weeks / 400 €

  • Online course standard group (5 - 10 students):
    2 weeks / 370 €

  • On-site course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    2 weeks / 530 €

  • Online course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    2 weeks / 500 €

Foreign Language Private Lessons:

On-site / Online: flexible times
*Minimum lesson purchase for private lessons: 10 lesson units (= 450 €), every 10th lesson unit after the 20th lesson unit is free

  • On-site course 20-package:
    1 person / 855 €
    2 people, per person / 665 €
    Technical language, per person / 950 €

  • Online course 20-package:
    1 person / 855 €
    2 people, per person / 665 €
    Technical language, per person / 950 €