Futurium Sprachenatelier Kultur
Wednesday, 1. February 2023, 12:30 - 17:30, Berlin

Kulturprogramm // Futurium -The House of Futures

Whether in the media, in politics or in our personal lives, the future is being discussed more and more. Because Berlin is a very politically active city, the topic has become particularly relevant here. What does our future as humankind look like? How can we contribute to shaping our future? How do we want to live, work, communicate? If you want to discuss these topics, you should definitely join us for this week's cultural activity, because we are visiting Futurium. This interactive exhibition presents many possible ideas of the future, challenging its visitors to think about their own reactions and ideas. You are all very welcome to confront the future with us this week at Futurium.

MEETINGPOINT: 12:30 p.m. in front of the Sprachenatelier

DURATION: as long as you wish

COSTS: free of charge



Alexanderufer 2
10117 Berlin