Registration process for German intensive courses

  • A1.1 absolute beginners

    1. Click on reserve.
    2. Fill out the registration form (1 min.)
    3. You will instantly receive a confirmation.
    4. Pay € 50 registration fee: place reserved.
    5. Pay for as many weeks as you want (extendable).
    6. Start of the course!
  • A1.2-C2 with previous knowledge

    1. Click on reserve.
    2. Fill out the registration form (1 min.).
    3. You will instantly receive a confirmation.
    4. You will receive the link to the placement test by email.
    5. You take the placement test (approx. 20 min.) online or at any time in Sprachenatelier, no appointment needed.
    6. You do the oral placement in Sprachenatelier (no appointment needed) or a Zoom call (approx. 10 min.).
    7. You will get our referral to a course.
    8. Pay € 50 registration fee / prepayment: place reserved.
    9. Pay for as many weeks as you want (extendable).
    10. Start of the course!

    With previous knowledge it is possible to flexible join an ongoing course every Monday.
    Please register 1-2 weeks before the desired start of the course.