Bengali Courses in Berlin Sprachenatelier

Bengali Intensive Course

Bengali Intensive Course in Berlin

Are you free for two weeks and finally want to learn Bengali or refresh your Bengali? Then join our Bengali Intensive Courses, online or in person! These courses will help you reach your goals quickly and effectively. We emphasize language skills such as conversation, grammar, vocabulary, listening and writing. Learn Bengali effectively!

Bengali Bildungsurlaub (educational leave): Our intensive courses are recognized by the Berlin Bildungsurlaubgesetz (BiUrlG) (Educational Leave Act)– Berlin employees can apply for a leave of absence from their employer for the duration of the courses.

In-person or online Bengali Intensive Courses at levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2

  • Lectures per week
    30 x 45 min.
  • Group size
    3 - 5 students (mini group)
  • Course duration
    2 weeks
  • Days
    Mon - Fri
  • Time
    13:00 - 18:00
  • Course levels
    A1 - C2


For this course type there are currently no course offerings. Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form.
