telc Deutsch B2 C1 Medizin Prüfung in Berlin Sprachenatelier

telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine (Medizin) Exam in Berlin

Exam for Specialized German for Medicine Dates in Berlin

telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin is a dual-level German language examination for doctors seeking employment in a hospital in Germany. It tests your specific German language competence in the field of medicine as spoken in a German hospital. The lexical and structural competences are positioned at the upper end of the levels B2 and C1 respectively. The examination records your performance in the major language skills: Listening, reading, writing and speaking. A result sheet states your performance according to the levels reached: B2 or C1.

Sprachenatelier Berlin is an official telc exam center. You can find the telc exam dates here. Please respect the deadlines.

What can you do at levels B2 and C1?

At level B2 you can express yourself clearly and explicitly and also successfully discuss and negotiate. You have a large command of the vocabulary needed for your field of specialisation and for most general topics. Your usage of grammar is sound.

At level C1 you can express yourself spontaneously and fluently. You are familiar with idiomatic phrases and can vary your style of language as appropriate. You can use the language with a high degree of grammatical accuracy.

How is the telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine (Medizin) Exam structured?

The examination consists of a written and an oral part. The written examination lasts about three hours. The oral exam can take place on the day of the written examination or on another day. There is a preparation time of 10 minutes before the oral exam. After part 1 (patient’s assessment) a break of 5 minutes is given to work out one’s notes of the assessment and to prepare for the presentation of the patient’s case study.

ATTENTION: Sprachenatelier Berlin offers a Medicine Course, specially for the preparation of this exam. 

Schedule telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine (Medizin) Exam

  • Written exam

    • Listening comprehension: 40 minutes

    • Reading: 50 minutes

    • Language elements: 20 minutes

    • Break: 20 minutes

    • Writing: 60 minute

  • Oral exam

    • Speaking: 45 minutes

Here you can find all current telc exam dates at Sprachenatelier Berlin.

What can you expect with the telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine Exam?

You can find the details of the examination by looking at the mock examination telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin. This is a complete test (with answer key), which you can try out at home or in your lessons. In addition, you can read about the examination procedure and how the written test and oral performance are rated.

How should I prepare myself for the telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine Exam?

  • Gain language competence in language courses for doctors or study on your own. Bookshops have course books that prepare you specifically for the language levels B2 and C1.
  • Familiarise yourself with the procedure and types of subtests of the telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin examination. The mock examination will help you with this.

You can download for free the practice test for the telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine Exam and the respective MP3-Data.