
German Intensive Courses:

On-site: 16 - 20 lesson units per week (Mon - Thu/Fri), Online: 8 lesson units per week (Tue - Fri)
*Binding Registration for on-site courses: 50 € Registration fee (one time)
Please wait until you have taken the placement exam and we have confirmed the course start date before you fill out the registration form and pay the registration/course fee!

  • On-site courses:
    2 weeks / 195 €
    4 weeks / 380 €
    8 weeks / 730 €
    12 weeks / 1080 €
    16 weeks / 1440 €
    20 weeks / 1800 €
    24 weeks / 1980 €
    48 weeks / 3600 €

  • Crash course German - online intensive:
    4 weeks / 350 €

German Evening Courses:

4 lesson units per week, Mon+Wed or Tue+Thu, 18:00 - 19:30 or 19:40 - 21:10
*Binding Registration: 50 € Registration fee (one time)

  • On-site courses:
    4 weeks / 125 €
    8 weeks / 240 €
    12 weeks / 345 €
    16 weeks / 450 €
    20 weeks / 550 €
    24 weeks / 650 €
    48 weeks / 1160 €

  • Online courses:
    4 weeks / 115 €
    8 weeks / 220 €
    12 weeks / 315 €
    16 weeks / 410 €
    20 weeks / 505 €
    24 weeks / 595 €
    48 weeks / 1060 €

German Private Lessons:

On-site / Online: flexible times
*Minimum lesson purchase for private lessons: 10 lesson units (1 person 450 € | 2 people, per person 350 €), every 10th lesson unit after the 20th lesson unit is free

  • On-site 20-package
    1 person / 855 €
    2 people, per person / 665 €
    Technical language, per person / 950 €

  • Online 20-package:
    1 person / 855 €
    2 people, per person / 665 €
    Technical language, per person / 950 €

German Summer Courses:

16-20 lesson units per week, Mon - Thu, 9:00 - 12:30
*Binding Registration: 50 € Registration fee (one time)
German Summer Courses 2024: 24.06.24 - 30.08.24

  • On-site courses:
    2 weeks / 300 €
    3 weeks / 400 €
    4 weeks / 450 €
    5 weeks / 540 €
    6 weeks / 630 €
    7 weeks / 710 €
    8 weeks / 800 €
    9 weeks / 860 €
    10 weeks / 930 €

  • Online courses:
    Currently no course offerings!

German Bildungszeit:

30 lesson units per week, Mon - Fri, 13:15 - 17:45 
*Recognized by the Berlin Senate Administration

  • On-site course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    2 weeks / 530 €

  • Online course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    Currently no house offerings!

telc Exam Preparation Courses:

4 lesson units per week, Mon+Wed (B2) or Tue+Thu (C1/C1-Hochschule), 14:00-15:30

  • On-site exam preparation courses:
    3 weeks / 220 €

  • Online exam preparation courses:
    3 weeks / 200 € Currently no course offerings!

German Medicine Courses:

20 lesson units per week, Mon - Fri, 14:15 - 17:45   
*Preparation for the technical language examination at the Medical Association and telc B2-C1 Medicine (Medizin)

  • On-site course:
    4 weeks / 800 €

  • Online course:
    Currently no course offerings!

German Nursing Courses:

20 lesson units per week, Mon - Fri, 14:15 - 17:45   
*Preparation for telc B1-B2 Nursing (Pflege)

  • On-site course:
    2 weeks / 450 €

  • Online course:
    Currently no course offerings!

Nursing course B1-B2 "Fit for the healthcare industry":

20 lesson units per week, Mon - Fri, 16:30 - 19:45
*including exam and exam preparation "telc German B1-B2 Nursing" (optional)

  • On-site AZAV measure:
    • 18 weeks (366 lesson units) / 3,172.39 € (including telc exam fee, teaching materials),
    • 100% of costs covered by the employment agency, job center or employer (activation and placement voucher)
  • Online AZAV measure:
    Currently no course offerings!

Foreign Language Evening Courses:

12 weeks, 1 lesson (2 lesson units) per week, 18:00 - 19:30 or 19:40 - 21:10 (depending on course offerings)

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    235 / 215 €**

  • Online course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    215 / 195 €**

  • On-site course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    310 / 285 €**

  • Online course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    265 / 245 €**

Foreign Language Intensive Courses:

30 lesson units per week, Mon - Fri, 13:00 - 18:00    
*Recognized by the Berlin Senate Administration

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 10 students):
    2 weeks / 400 €

  • Online course standard group (5 - 10 students):
    2 weeks / 370 €

  • On-site course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    2 weeks / 530 €

  • Online course mini group (3 - 5 students):
    2 weeks / 500 €

Foreign Language Private Lessons:

On-site / Online: flexible times
*Minimum lesson purchase for private lessons: 10 lesson units (= 450 €), every 10th lesson unit after the 20th lesson unit is free

  • On-site course 20-package:
    1 person / 855 €
    2 people, per person / 665 €
    Technical language, per person / 950 €

  • Online course 20-package:
    1 person / 855 €
    2 people, per person / 665 €
    Technical language, per person / 950 €

Mosaic course:

12 weeks, 1 lesson for 135 minutes per week, 18:00 - 20:15 or 18:45 - 21:00 (depending on course offerings)

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    230 / 207 €**

  • Online course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    Currently no course offerings!

Photography course:

12 weeks, 1 lesson for 135 minutes per week, 18:00 - 20:15 or 18:45 - 21:00 (depending on course offerings)

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    230 / 207 €**

  • Online course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    Currently no course offerings!

Collage course:

12 weeks, 1 lesson for 135 minutes per week, 18:00 - 20:15 or 18:45 - 21:00 (depending on course offerings)

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    230 / 207 €**

  • Online course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    Currently no course offerings!

Illustration and Drawing course:

12 weeks, 1 lesson for 135 minutes per week, 18:00 - 20:15 or 18:45 - 21:00 (depending on course offerings)

  • On-site course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    230 / 207 €**

  • Online course standard group (5 - 9 students):
    Currently no course offerings!


1 lesson unit = 45 minutes
Trial lessons are possible upon inquiry
**The following applies for foreign language and creative courses: Discounts for university students, pupils and unemployed persons are available upon presentation of a valid ID card or pass. Important! Discounts do not apply for German courses and private lessons.